BEE -Bureau of Energy Efficiency


BEE Certificate: Energy is the future, and its conservation is the way of the bright future. Everyone claims the environment is important and considers it as a higher priority; some act pro-environmentally. But it is not enough to consider it as an important or act pro-environmental, for this individual must take the initiative to save energy. As a global civilization, we generate and utilize more energy than ever before, and the need for energy continues to rise. Every individual must support energy conservation by implementing an eco-friendly lifestyle. We rely on energy in practically every aspect of our existence. We want to live comfortable, productive, and pleasant lives.


On 1st March, The Government of India has implemented the innovative initiative to conserve energy under the provision of the Energy Conservative Act, 2001 – BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (BEE). In performing its functions under the Energy Conservation Act, BEE plays a key role in coordinating with designated customers, designated agencies, and other organizations and recognizing, identifying, and utilizing existing resources and infrastructure. The Energy Conservation Act regulates and promotes energy conservation.

What Is BEE Certificate?

BEE stands for Bureau of Energy Efficiency and government agency which works under the Ministry of Power. This agency develops a program that convinces everyone to use energy efficiently and increases the conservation of energy.

Another important function of BEE is to set the standards and label for marking star-rating of various appliances. When a manufacturer creates a new model and wants to get it certified, they conduct testing on it according to BEE’s protocols and then apply for star certification using the results of the tests. BEE assigns a star rating to appliances based on the results of the tests.

Why Does A Product Need A BEE-Rating Certificate?

BEE Raise awareness of energy efficiency and conservation and share information about it. A BEE-rating certificate is required to demonstrate a product’s level of performance and electricity usage. Indicators of product efficiency and performance in terms of electricity consumption are included in the certificate.

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s purpose is to “institutionalize” energy efficiency services, enable delivery methods across the country, and lead energy efficiency in all industries. Its primary objective is to reduce energy intensity in the economy.

Benefits Of Certification By The Bureau Of Energy Efficiency

Obtaining this type of certification will provide you with the following advantages :

Standards: When it comes to energy efficiency, there are specific standards that must be followed. This type of certification would ensure that such standards are maintained as per the law’s requirements.

Compliance: The producer or industry would be certain to comply with the law if they obtained this type of accreditation. Furthermore, this accreditation would guarantee that the manufacturer conforms to the Energy Act of 2001.

Reputation: This certification would secure the manufacturer’s or industry’s reputation for adhering to the applicable requirements.

Efficiency: This certification ensures that a certain level of efficiency is maintained by manufacturers or industries. This would ensure that the Energy Act of 2001’s principles for energy efficiency is followed.

Process For BEE Certification

Before filing your application, you must first identify whether you are qualified for mandatory or voluntary BEE certification. Some items are required to be registered under the mandatory product list of BEE, while others are on the voluntary product list.

Step 1 : Product Testing

BEE Registration begins with the testing of a sample to determine the rate of energy consumption. At the time of MODEL Registration, the test report will be required. Applicant needs to send the sample(s) and technical documentation to a NABL-accredited lab for testing and receive the results.

Two types of testing are done, which are as follows:

Step 2 : Brand/Company Registration

To register a BRAND with BEE, follow the procedures below :

Document Required For Company/Brand Registration

The applicant must ensure that the documents he or she submits are in the specified order. Every document submitted to BEE (whether in hard copy or online) must include the authorized signatory’s signature and stamp in the original.

Documents that are not properly filed, are loose or clipped, or are just stapled will be rejected. Non-compliance with the application would be treated as a deviation from the process.

The following documents are required for brand registration:

Step 3 : Model Registration

For model registration, the following steps are followed :

Document Required For Model Registration :

The following is a list of the documents that must be attached to register a model.

Note – In the case of a domestic manufacturer, a Licence is granted to the manufacturer. And in the case of a foreign manufacturer, a licence is granted to an importer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Power, Government of India established under provisions of the Energy Conservation Act 2001, to promote efficient use of energy and its conservation. The Government of India set up the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on 1st March 2002. Energy efficiency means using less energy to perform the same task, that is, eliminating energy waste.

The role of BEE is to coordinate with designated consumers, designated agencies, and other organizations and recognize, identify and utilize the existing resources and infrastructure in performing the functions assigned to it under the Energy Conservation Act. The Energy Conservation Act provides for regulatory and promotional functions.

The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to develop policy and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (EC Act) with the primary objective of reducing the energy intensity of the Indian economy. This will be achieved with the active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in accelerated and sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy.

The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, with the primary objective of reducing the energy intensity of the Indian economy.

The Standards & Labeling Programme is one of the major thrust areas of BEE. A key objective of this scheme is to provide the consumer an informed choice about energy-saving and thereby the cost-saving potential of the relevant marketed product.

An Act to provide for efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 1. Short title, extent, and commencement. This Act may be called the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.

Energy is not free. The grown-ups in your house pay for all the electricity you use. So wasting energy is the same as wasting money – and we know that’s not a good idea! Wasting energy isn’t good for the environment either. Most of the energy sources we depend on, like coal and natural gas, can’t be replaced – once we use them up, they’re gone forever. Another problem is that most forms of energy can cause pollution.

We should use LED lamps and Tubes, which are most energy-efficient these days. Existing Tube lights should be replaced by LED Tubes. Even Sodium vapor lamps or mercury lamps used in street lights can also be replaced by LED street lights.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Ministry of Power) has issued the guidelines to major commercial establishments with the objective of conserving energy through optimum temperature settings for the Air Conditioners within the comfort zone/chart. It is estimated that changing the temperature from conventional 20-21 degrees Celsius can result in approximately 24 percent of energy savings.

Standards and Labeling (S&L) program was initiated in the XIth five-year plan with the key objective of providing consumers an informed choice regarding the energy savings and the cost-saving potential of various energy-consuming appliances.

For how many appliances S&L scheme covers the standards & labeling program?

The vital benefits of the S&L scheme are:

  • Significant impact on consumers while purchasing energy-efficient appliances through a structured consumer awareness program.
  • Market Transformation from inefficient appliances to energy-efficient ones
These are the following mandatory and voluntary appliances: Mandatory Appliances:
  • Room Air Conditioners
  • Frost Free Refrigerators
  • Tubular Florescent Lamp
  • Distribution Transformer
  • Room Air Conditioner (Cassettes, Floor Standing)
  • Direct Cool Refrigerator, vii) Color TV viiElectric Geysers
  • Variable Capacity Inverter Air conditioners
  • LED Lamps.
  • Voluntary Appliances:
  • Induction Motors,
  • Pump Sets, Ceiling fans,
  • LPG �Stoves,
  • Washing Machine,
  • Computer (Notebook/Laptops)
  • Ballast (Electronic / Magnetic)
  • Office equipment (Printer, Copier, Scanner, MFD’s)
  • Diesel Engine Driven Mono-set Pumps
  • DG Sets
  • Chillers
  • Microwave Oven
  • Solar Water Heater
  • Light Commercial Air Conditioner
  • Deep freezers
  • A star rating, ranging from 1 to 5 in the ascending order of energy efficiency, is provided to products registered with the Bureau. These are assigned by the government agency BEE from the Ministry of Power.

  • Here are a few tips on how to proceed to get the stars for your product in brief.

  • If you want to apply for the stars in the product, you have to apply in the BEE portal.
  • One must first do the registration on the BEE portal with the necessary hard copies and documents. After that, you have to send those hard copies to the headquarters respectively.
  • Moreover, one has to deposit around 1 Lakh as security. One does not worry about the money as it is refundable.
  • Then, one gets their application ID and password respective so that you can log in to the portal of BEE.
  • To get the star labeling rights for your product, you have to apply online then. After the online application is made, all you have to do is send all the hard copies of the document to the Bureau of energy efficiency.
  • After all your documents are scrutinised by the officials who have significant expertise, they will provide you the stars for your product as per the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is an agency of the Government of India. These are steps one must follow and understand. One can also contact the BEE customers care services if they are stuck at any point.