E-waste is one of the world’s fastest-growing trash streams. We currently manufacture almost 50 million tones of it each year. And as electronics become more widely available, that number is only going to rise. E-waste, or electronic garbage, refers to obsolete, unwanted, or defective electrical and electronic equipment. That includes everything from smartphones to refrigerators that have reached the end of their useful lives. E-waste contains a laundry list of compounds that are hazardous to humans and the environment, including mercury, lead, beryllium, brominated flame retardants, and cadmium, to name a few. These chemicals get up in our land, water, and air when electronics are mismanaged during disposal. Because electronic devices contain the most lethal chemicals and metal, e-waste is far more toxic than much other municipal garbage. Long-term exposure to these chemicals harms the brain, kidney, bone systems, and the reproductive and endocrine systems. 

E-Waste - Greatest Threat To Our Planet!

E-Waste - Greatest Threat To Our Planet!


E-Waste management has become a major challenge as it directly affects human health and the environment, and this is happening due to the lack of awareness. The growing problem of E-waste calls for greater emphasis on recycling E-waste and better E-management.

Proper control over the material used in the manufacturing process is important to reduce waste generation (Freeman1989). The quantity of waste generated can be reduced by reducing the number of hazardous materials used in the process and the amount of excess raw materials in stock. This can be done in two ways, i.e., establishing material-purchase review and control procedures and inventory tracking system.

Developing review procedures for all material purchased is the first step in establishing an inventory management program. Procedures should require that all materials be approved prior to purchase. All production materials are evaluated in the approval process to examine if they contain hazardous constituents and whether alternative non-hazardous materials are available.

Another inventory management procedure for waste reduction is to ensure that only the needed quantity of material is ordered. This will require the establishment of a strict inventory tracking system. Purchase procedures must be implemented, ensuring that materials are ordered only on an as-needed basis and that only the amount needed for a specific period of time is ordered. Manufacturers should be responsible for managing the end-of-life of their products to get motivated to make the environmentally beneficial design.


A Tool For A Cleaner Environment

The government passed the first law in 2011, based on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which makes manufacturer liable for managing the final stage of the life of its product in an eco-friendly way and ensure environmentally sound management Extended Producer’s Responsibility (EPR) certificate or license is mandatory for every producer/importer producing electric or electrical equipment. It encourages the manufacturers to produce environment-friendly products. EPR Authorization is issued by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) under MoEFCC, Government of India. As per the guidelines, manufacturers and importers needs to tie-up with the authorized recycler to dispose of the E-Waste and submit all the plans related to the estimated dump quantity and method adopted for disposal in CPCB to get the EPR Certificate. In short, the product’s manufacturer is responsible for the product’s ultimate recycling, reuse, or disposal.

IT And Telecommunication

EPR Mandatory Product List

2 major product categories require EPR Authorization as follows.


Consumer Electrical and Electronics


Steps for making an application for EPR authorization

1. Documentation: Applicant needs to prepare all required document with EPR Plan for EPR authorization before submission of the application.

2. Filling Application in prescribed format: Applicant needs to fill detailed information in prescribed application form with EPR plan.

3. Offline submission of application: Applicant need to submit offline application with detailed information of producer and EPR plan to concerned department for ETA.

4. Scrutiny of application: CPCB official will scrutinize the application and EPR plan is evaluated by CPCB for approval. If the documents presented are incomplete then CPCB official may respond with checklist within 25 days for clarification purpose.

5. Grant of EPR approval: Chairman of CPCB shall approve the EPR plan as scrutinized by concerned officials. After approval of EPR plan, the divisional head issues the EPR authorization.

Document Requirements for EPR Certificate :

The following documents are required to be submitted along with Form-1:

1. Documents related to EPR plan.
2. Details of proposed awareness programmes and allied initiatives.
3. Estimated budget earmarked for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
4. Copies of agreement document with dealers, collection centers, dismantlers, recyclers, treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs) etc.
5. Self-declaration for compliance of RoHS in prescribed format.
6. The technical documents (supplier declaration- description of product, document for materials, parts, and/or sub-assemblies and analytical test result)
7.Copy of the permissions/licenses from the relevant ministry/department for marketing various products or for doing the business as given below:
          * TIN details
          * PAN details
          * Incorporation certificate
          * Copy IEC in case of importers
8. Copy of authorization issued by the SPCBs/PCCs



CPCB shall provide EPR authorization within 120 days of receiving a complete application, as per E-Waste regulations. In case of incomplete application, the CPCB may verify the application and respond with a check list within 25 days.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

E-waste refers to electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life”, for example, computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.


Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce your generation of e-waste through smart procurement and good maintenance. Reuse still functioning electronic equipment by donating or selling it to someone. Recycle those components that cannot be repaired. Most electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals that can be recycled.


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a policy approach in which a producer’s physical and /or financial responsibility for a product extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle. It is important because it motivates the producers to manufacture environmentally friendly products and reduce pollution.


Yes, EPR is mandatory for some products in India. For more details, you can contact us.


The present policy ensures that every electrical and electronic equipment producer and their spare parts do not contain pollutants such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers beyond a maximum concentration value. Every producer shall provide detailed information on the constituents of the equipment and their components or consumables or parts or spares, along with a declaration of conformance to the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) provisions in the product user documentation.


EPR policies helped a lot in increasing the recycling activities and shown a positive effect on decreasing pollution. It has started showing positive effects throughout the country.


If you want EPR License urgently, gets in touch with our EPR Experts now.


Repair – Replace your throwaway habits with repairing ones and the safest way to go about them. Reuse – If your items are old but in good condition, you can turn them into money or donate them to someone who needs that product. Recycle – Plenty of non – profit organizations, local communities, and official organizations offer services to help you recycle old electronics.